[self portrait from last year’s art camp]

So today we mark the start of summer, the end of a year of kindergarten with the start of art camp at The Painting Workshop, which if you’re in the area is a fabulous place to create art for those big and tall and short and small. This year it’s art from around the world held in the yurt (if you don’t know what one of those is check out the Workshop’s website: www.thepaintingworkshop.com where they have a video of it being built) where they will explore different art styles from, you got it, around the world. Things like batik from Indonesia, pinatas from Mexico,  dragons from China (though I didn’t realize that dragons were an art form, hmm) and paintings from Paris. I left her busily starting on her “International Passport”, which ironically she will be going to update tomorrow at the post office.

As we walked up to register Amelia wondered if they would hardly recognize her from last year since she’s grown so much. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that there are so many kinds in an out all year long that they might not remember her at all – how do you crush such confidence that you’re memorable? You can’t. So, here’s to fabulous art and being completely memorable!