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Here’s how it works: Mum comes home and every moment that Amelia is around all she sees or wants to do must be with her Grammy. Grammy must be with her at all times – you never know, she just might sneak off to the wilds of some ~stan country again. So, Amelia sits next to Grammy at the dining room table. Grammy tucks her in, Grammy must get her in the middle of the night should she need to have company. It’s all I can do to get a nod or a “hello” from the girl. And really that’s how it ought to be when someone’s been gone for a length of time and then returns. It’s great to be celebrated. And Amelia does still love me and still celebrates me, but I’m the constant in the family. Grammy goes off for work to other locales. Amelia goes off on her weekends away with her father. And I, I stay. I don’t go anywhere just on my own. I go with family. And as the constant I sometimes feel the constancy more keenly. But enough of that!

So now all is right with the world since Grammy is back amongst us at the New Old House. She currently lives the charmed life of being the person that Amelia wants to be with, sit with, snuggle with, read with…with, with, with. Which is great – absolutely, no really. Okay, so it’s not, but it’s just for a few days until the rhythms of the house get the kinks worked out. And it’s not personal in the way that the inner child that was always chosen last takes it personally. I’m an adult I can enjoy a bit of peace while I’m not the chosen one for a bit and not getting the preferential treatment does have a few ups – no knees in the kidneys in the middle of the night is a real plus. And I really shouldn’t complain since this time around Amelia hasn’t completely forgotten that I exist. I did get a morning cuddle, so perhaps I’m not so “non” after all.